Welcome to Stormed Out! This houses the writings of the patrons and developers of Storm Networks. In order to submit something you wrote, or if you have a suggestion of something we should write, or a question to ask us, contact us at stormed.out.ask@gmail.com
If it seems like there is no content, it’s because there isn’t. I am a one man band, and I can’t do things immediatly. Check back in a few hours, or tomorrow, and hopefully you will be able to acess the creator page, questions, and blogs. Hang tight!
The site is organized into Creators, Questions and Answers, and Blogs.
In the creator list is where you will find most of the content on this site. Go to the list, and click on a creator to see their profile, and a list of all of their projects.
In questions and answers you will find all of the questions and answers we have ever had. Long answer questions have a full page, and short answer questions are compiled.
In blogs you will find the list of blogs made by the creators on the site. This is just a place for them to share their thoughts.
In order to start on the site, send us something at stormed.out.ask@gmail.com. In your first email please provide us with the name you would like to use on the site. It could be fictitious (MrBeast) or real (Jimmy Donaldson). At some point please also send us a bio. This does not have to be in the first message, or very long. However, it is nice to have on your profile.
Getting editing privileges will allow you to have a much easier time adding and editing your content on Stormed Out. However, it is a little tricky. First, make an account on github.com. Then email me your username, and I will add you to the repository as a contributor, and send you the link to the repository. Congrats! now you can edit the repository.
Every page on this website is coded in markdown, a easy to read, easy to learn language for making simple pages. Here is a good tutorial. If you have any confusion, contact me.
For this, go to the repository on github, and click the period key on your keyboard. This will open an editor for the repository that is much easier to use than just plain github. On the side you will see the pages and folders on pages that make up the website. Open the appropriate folder, and the sub-folder for your username, and click the ‘plus page’ icon at the top of the side bar, and name it appropriatly. For instance, if you are adding a story titled ‘yule’ make the page yule.md. You can then paste the template for that page into the newly made file. There will be templates and examples for every kind of page, so you can see what the code looks like, and easily make pages by just copying and pasting the template.
This is a little bit of a tricky thing to learn how to do, but very necessary to making or contributing to a webiste. First you need to understand the sort of levels, or hierarchy of pages. If you have 2 pages, a.md, and b.md, you can simply link between them like normal. If you want to make a link on b.md to a.md you can write: [link text](a.md)
and vice versa. But what if you have a folder? If you were to have a page, say c.md in a folder called folder
you would link to it (from any pages above the folder, a.md or b.md) like this:[link text](folder/c.md)
and if you want to ‘link up’ from c.md to b.md, or a.md, you would do this: [link text](../a.md)
In short, you can link normally between files on the ‘same level’, but it is a little harder to link between files on different levels.
Add an image to a page just like you would a link, but starting with an exclamation point. e.g. ![image](image.png)
However, first you will need to upload the image in the actual github repository. (github.com not github.dev) Please upload it in the same folder as the page it will show up on.
I would recommend editing powers for this. Add a folder (Not a page. A folder.)with your username as the title. Then add a page for the home page of your blog. (which will link to all editions) In this folder is where the rest of your blogs content will go. Any pages, image files, or anything else will go in this file.